6 Reasons Why You Should Be Packaging Your Deer Corn And Wildlife Feed In High Quality BOPP Open Mouth Bags

November 17, 2020

BOPP bags offer the superior appearance and performance characteristics you need to market your premium deer corn and wildlife feed products during hunting season.  

CornFeed (1)What is BOPP?

Biaxially Oriented Polypropylene or BOPP is a flexible material derived from melting and biaxially orienting (stretching on both axis) a polypropylene polymer. The process of biaxially orienting polypropylene, stretching it in the machine direction and transverse direction, improves the films physical properties, such as water vapor barrier, stiffness, dimensional stability, and optics.


BOPP Bags 4 (1)What is an Open MouthBag? 

Open mouth plastic bags are a common packaging style that are factory closed on one side, and closed by customer sealing/sewing on the opposite side. The materials, construction, and characteristics of open mouth bags vary widely, making them suitable for diverse applications ranging from animal feed to construction products. 

BOPP Bag Applications:

  • Premium Deer Corn
  • Whole Shelled Corn
  • Deer Feed
  • Wildlife Feed
  • Deer Attractant
  • Animal Feed
  • Horse/Equine Feed
  • Pet Food
  • Animal Supplements 
  • Wild Game


6 Reasons Why You Should Be Packaging Your Deer Corn And Wildlife Feed In High Quality BOPP Open Mouth Bags

1. Photographic Print Quality

BOPP bags can be printed in up to 10 colors using process printing methods. Engaging graphics capabilities range from simple to photorealistic.

2. High Strength Tear Resistant Construction

BOPP bags are made with high strength woven polypropylene (plastic) tapes. The inherent strength of the bag’s construction prevents breakage and product loss. 

3. Water/Moisture Resistant Materials

BOPP bags are effectively waterproof. The woven tapes are laminated with a layer of film to make the bag nearly impermeable. Paper bags aren’t even comparable when it comes to the water/moisture resistance of a BOPP bag. 

4. Clear or Printed Gussets

BOPP bags can be printed so that the gusset remains clear, allowing your customers to see the product inside without having to open the bag.

5. Grease and Odor Resistant

Polypropylene plastic is unaffected by grease resulting in a clean, easy to handle package. No one wants to carry a smelly bag in their truck! BOPP bags are designed to prevent odor from escaping the bag. 

6. 100% Recyclable & Sustainable

BOPP bags are made from 100% recyclable plastics. Multi-wall paper bags with a film layer cannot be recycled. 


image2 (4)Need Premium Printed BOPP Bags for Deer Season? 

We offer generic stock and custom printed bag options for your premium feed business. In addition to our BOPP

Open Mouth bag options, we offer a broad range of bag styles including:

  • Multi-Wall Paper SOMimage1 (9)
  • Paper/Poly Laminate SOM
  • Multi-Wall Paper Valve
  • Poly Valve
  • Woven Poly Valve
  • Multi-Wall PBOM

On-Demand Bags Available for Immediate Shipment

We maintain one the largest inventories of bulk packaging products in the country. We invite our customers to take advantage of our significant inventory of on-demand bag offerings. Contact us today to learn more about our in-stock bulk bags and view our material and bag style chart below! 

SP Stock Bags Suitable For All Your Deer Corn and Wildlife Feed Needs: 


Material Type

Bag Style




Sewn Open Mouth

Printed 8 Color Generic Deer Corn

15 x 3.5 x 32


Sewn Open Mouth

Printed 8 Color Generic Wildlife Feed

15 x 3.5 x 32


Sewn Open Mouth

Plain White

15 x 3.5 x 28


Sewn Open Mouth

Plain White

15.5 x 4 x 30


Sewn Open Mouth

Plain White

17 x 5 x 35


Sewn Open Mouth

Plain Brown Kraft Outer

16 x 4 x 32


Sewn Open Mouth

Plain White Paper Outer

16 x 4 x 32



Printed 2 Color Generic Wildlife Feed

18.5 x 23 x 5.5



Plain Brown 

18.5 x 23 x 5.5



Plain White

18.5 x 23 x 5.5

Paper / Poly

Sewn Open Mouth

Plain Brown Kraft Outer

15.5 x 4 x 30

Paper / Poly

Sewn Open Mouth

Plain Brown Paper Outer

15 x 3.5 x 32

Paper / Poly

Sewn Open Mouth

Plain Brown Paper Outer

16 x 4 x 34

Paper / Poly

Sewn Open Mouth

Plain White Paper Outer

16 x 4 x 34

Paper / Poly

Sewn Open Mouth

Plain Brown Paper Outer

14 x 3 x 29

Paper / Poly

Sewn Open Mouth

Plain White Paper Outer

14 x 3 x 29

Woven Poly


Plain White

20.5 x 22 x 5.5

Woven Poly


Plain Brown

20.5 x 22 x 5.5


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